NAMI Dallas - National Alliance on Mental Illness
NAMI Dallas, Inc. is a grassroots 501(c)3, founded in 1986 by a group of parents.
It has grown through the years and is composed of 400 members, many of whom are
family members whose loved ones suffer from one of the major mental illnesses: bipolar
disorder, schizophrenia, major depression or obsessive compulsive disorder.
Dallas is dedicated to relieving the effects of severe mental illness on individuals,
family members and society through support, education, advocacy and research.
NAMI Dallas needs a website to fulfill three main functions:
- Introduce NAMI and Mental Illness to a general population and connect people to
the resources they need to address their (or their loved one’s) crisis, illness
and path to recovery.
- The website needs to help the consumers (people with the illness) and family members
connect to each other in ways that are supportive. We currently have face to face
support groups; we need to translate that to an online setting.
- The website needs to support our education efforts. We are a flat organization.
Trained volunteers teach our education programs. We need a web based system to share
registration and class announcement information with the teachers. So that we can
each register students for the same class.